HELMER valves comply with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union “On the requirements for fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment” (TR EAEU 043/2017). According to their functional purpose, the valves can be used as normally open, normally closed and smoke valves.
A normally open (NO) fire damper is designed to block the spread of fire and combustion products through the air ducts of a general ventilation system. During normal operation of the ventilation system, such valves do not impede the passage of air flows through the sections of the ventilation ducts in which they are installed. In the event of a fire, the NO damper closes its flow section and prevents the spread of fire through the air ducts, as well as the inflow of fresh air to the sources of fire.
A normally closed (NC) fire damper is used in supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems and in systems for removing smoke and gas after a fire from premises protected by gas or powder fire extinguishing systems.