The electrode steam humidifier Condair EL provides a reliable supply of steam to the ventilation system or directly into the room. It is easy to install, operate and maintain.
The steam tanks of the Condair EL humidifier last up to three times longer than comparable models from other manufacturers thanks to the advanced water management system. The content of dissolved substances in the water is accurately monitored and controlled. High dissolved solids water is drained and fresh water added only when needed, thus minimizing scale build-up and reducing the energy required to heat fresh water.
The design of the Condair EL humidifier makes it easy to drain the system and replace the service steam tanks during maintenance, keeping downtime to a minimum. Cleanable steam cylinders are also available.
The touch panel simplifies system management; it displays detailed diagnostic reports. USB connection allows you to download the operating parameters of the equipment in Excel format and easily update the humidifier software.